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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Goitein, S. D., "Glimpses from the Cairo Geniza on Naval Warfare in the Mediterranean and on the Old Mongol Invasion." In Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida. 393-408. Rome: Istituto per l'Oriente, 1956.
Series: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente, 52
Subjects: Foreign relations/Military
2. Goitein, S. D., "al-Ḳuds, 12. Jerusalem under the Mamlūks (648-922/1250-1516)." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 332-333. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem
3. Goitein, S. D., "The Beginnings of the Kārim Merchants and the Character of their Organization." In Studies in Islamic History and Institutions. Goitein, S. D.. 351-360. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1968.
Subjects: Economics
4. Goitein, S. D.. "The Documents of the Cairo Geniza as a Source for Mediterranean Social History." Journal of the American Oriental Society 80, (1960): 91-100.
Subjects: Historiography
5. Goitein, S. D.. "Geniza Documents from the Mamluk Period [In Hebrew]." Tarbiz 41, 1 (1972): 59-81.
Notes: English summary p. vi.
Subjects: Social relations
6. Goitein, S. D.. "The Main Industries of the Mediterranean Area." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 4, (1961): 168-197.
Subjects: Economics
7. Goitein, S. D.. "New Light on the Beginnings of the Kārim Merchants." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 1, (1958): 175-184.
Subjects: Economics
8. Goitein, S. D.. "Sifro shel Ibn Ubayya ʿal Harisat Beit ha-Kneset ha-Yehudi bi-Yerushalayim bi-shenat 1474." Tsiyon: Rivon le-Heker Toldot Yisra'el / Zion: A Quarterly for Research in Jewish History (n.s.) 13-14, (1948-1949): 18-32.
Notes: Additional title: "Ibn ʿUbayya's Book Concerning the Destruction of the Synagogue of Jerusalem in 1474." Abstract in English on p. ii.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn Ubayyah
9. Goitein, S. D.. "A Jewish Addict to Sufism in the Time of the Nagid David II Maimonides." Jewish Quarterly Review (n.s.) 44, 1 (1953): 37-49.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Kurani
10. Goitein, S. D.. Review of The Portuguese off the South Arabian Coast, by R. B. Serjeant. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 27, (1964): 441-442.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations/Military



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